/* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */ /* eslint no-undef: 0 */ function showNewMailsNotification(address, reloadPage) { // We want the page to be reloaded. But then when clicking the notification, it can not find the tab and will open a new one. const notification = new Notification(address, { body: 'You have new messages', icon: '/images/logo.png', tag: '48hr-email-replace-notification', renotify: true }) notification.addEventListener('click', event => { // TODO: does not work after reloading the page, see #1 event.preventDefault() }) if (reloadPage) { location.reload() } } function enableNewMessageNotifications(address, reloadPage) { enableNotifications() const socket = io() socket.emit('sign in', address) socket.on('reconnect', () => { socket.emit('sign in', address) }) socket.on('new emails', () => { showNewMailsNotification(address, reloadPage) }) } function enableNotifications() { // Let's check if the browser supports notifications if (!('Notification' in window)) { return false } // Let's check whether notification permissions have already been granted if (Notification.permission === 'granted') { return true } // Otherwise, we need to ask the user for permission if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') { Notification.requestPermission(permission => { // If the user accepts, let's create a notification return permission === 'granted' }) } // Finally, if the user has denied notifications and you // want to be respectful there is no need to bother them any more. }