const EventEmitter = require('events') const imaps = require('imap-simple') const {simpleParser} = require('mailparser') const addressparser = require('nodemailer/lib/addressparser') const pSeries = require('p-series') const retry = require('async-retry') const debug = require('debug')('48hr-email:imap') const _ = require('lodash') const moment = require('moment') const Mail = require('../domain/mail') const Helper = require('./helper') const helper = new(Helper) // Just adding some missing functions to imap-simple... :-) /** * Deletes the specified message(s). * * @param {string|Array} uid The uid or array of uids indicating the messages to be deleted * @param {function} [callback] Optional callback, receiving signature (err) * @returns {undefined|Promise} Returns a promise when no callback is specified, resolving when the action succeeds. * @memberof ImapSimple */ imaps.ImapSimple.prototype.deleteMessage = function (uid, callback) { var self = this; if (callback) { return nodeify(self.deleteMessage(uid), callback); } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.imap.addFlags(uid, '\\Deleted', function (err) { if (err) { reject(err); return; } self.imap.expunge( function (err) { if (err) { reject(err); return; } resolve(); }); }); }); }; /** * Close a mailbox * * @param {boolean} [autoExpunge=true] If autoExpunge is true, any messages marked as Deleted in the currently open mailbox will be removed * @param {function} [callback] Optional callback, receiving signature (err) * @returns {undefined|Promise} Returns a promise when no callback is specified, resolving to `boxName` * @memberof ImapSimple */ imaps.ImapSimple.prototype.closeBox = function (autoExpunge=true, callback) { var self = this; if (typeof(autoExpunge) == 'function'){ callback = autoExpunge; autoExpunge = true; } if (callback) { return nodeify(this.closeBox(autoExpunge), callback); } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { self.imap.closeBox(autoExpunge, function (err, result) { if (err) { reject(err); return; } resolve(result); }); }); }; /** * Fetches emails from the imap server. It is a facade against the more complicated imap-simple api. It keeps the connection * as a member field. * * With this abstraction it would be easy to replace this with any inbound mail service like */ class ImapService extends EventEmitter { constructor(config) { super() this.config = config /** * Set of emitted UIDs. Listeners should get each email only once. * @type {Set} */ this.loadedUids = new Set() this.connection = null this.initialLoadDone = false } async connectAndLoadMessages() { const configWithListener = { ...this.config, // 'onmail' adds a callback when new mails arrive. With this we can keep the imap refresh interval very low (or even disable it). onmail: () => this._doOnNewMail() } this.once(ImapService.EVENT_INITIAL_LOAD_DONE, () => this._doAfterInitialLoad() ) await this._connectWithRetry(configWithListener) // Load all messages in the background. (ASYNC) this._loadMailSummariesAndEmitAsEvents() } async _connectWithRetry(configWithListener) { try { await retry( async _bail => { // If anything throws, we retry this.connection = await imaps.connect(configWithListener) this.connection.on('error', err => { // We assume that the app will be restarted after a crash. console.error( 'got fatal error during imap operation, stop app.', err ) this.emit('error', err) }) await this.connection.openBox('INBOX') debug('connected to imap') }, { retries: 5 } ) } catch (error) { console.error('can not connect, even with retry, stop app', error) throw error } } _doOnNewMail() { // Only react to new mails after the initial load, otherwise it might load the same mails twice. if (this.initialLoadDone) { this._loadMailSummariesAndEmitAsEvents() } } _doAfterInitialLoad() { // During initial load we ignored new incoming emails. In order to catch up with those, we have to refresh // the mails once after the initial load. (async) this._loadMailSummariesAndEmitAsEvents() // If the above trigger on new mails does not work reliable, we have to regularly check // for new mails on the server. This is done only after all the mails have been loaded for the // first time. (Note: set the refresh higher than the time it takes to download the mails). if (this.config.imap.refreshIntervalSeconds) { setInterval( () => this._loadMailSummariesAndEmitAsEvents(), this.config.imap.refreshIntervalSeconds * 1000 ) } } async _loadMailSummariesAndEmitAsEvents() { // UID: Unique id of a message. const uids = await this._getAllUids() const newUids = uids.filter(uid => !this.loadedUids.has(uid)) // Optimize by fetching several messages (but not all) with one 'search' call. // fetching all at once might be more efficient, but then it takes long until we see any messages // in the frontend. With a small chunk size we ensure that we see the newest emails after a few seconds after // restart. const uidChunks = _.chunk(newUids, 20) // Creates an array of functions. We do not start the search now, we just create the function. const fetchFunctions = => () => this._getMailHeadersAndEmitAsEvents(uidChunk) ) await pSeries(fetchFunctions) if (!this.initialLoadDone) { this.initialLoadDone = true this.emit(ImapService.EVENT_INITIAL_LOAD_DONE) } } /** * * @param {Date} deleteMailsBefore delete mails before this date instance */ async deleteOldMails(deleteMailsBefore) { let uids = [] //fetch mails from date +1day (calculated in MS) to avoid wasting resources and to fix imaps missing time-awareness if (helper.moreThanOneDay(moment() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, deleteMailsBefore)) { uids = await this._searchWithoutFetch([ ['!DELETED'], ['BEFORE', deleteMailsBefore] ]) } else { uids = await this._searchWithoutFetch([ ['!DELETED'], ]) } if (uids.length === 0) { return } const DeleteOlderThan = helper.purgeTimeStamp() const uidsWithHeaders = await this._getMailHeaders(uids) uidsWithHeaders.forEach(mail => { if (mail['attributes'].date > DeleteOlderThan ||['attributes'].uid))) { uids = uids.filter(uid => uid !== mail['attributes'].uid) } }) if (uids.length === 0) { debug('no mails to delete.') return } debug(`deleting mails ${uids}`) await this.connection.deleteMessage(uids) uids.forEach(uid => this.emit(ImapService.EVENT_DELETED_MAIL, uid)) console.log(`deleted ${uids.length} old messages.`) } /** * * @param uid delete specific mail per UID */ async deleteSpecificEmail(uid) { debug(`deleting mails ${uid}`) if (! { await this.connection.deleteMessage(uid) console.log(`deleted mail with UID: ${uid}.`) this.emit(ImapService.EVENT_DELETED_MAIL, uid) } } /** * Helper method because ImapSimple#search also fetches each message. We just need the uids here. * * @param {Object} searchCriteria (see ImapSimple#search) * @returns {Promise>} Array of UIDs * @private */ async _searchWithoutFetch(searchCriteria) { const imapUnderlying = this.connection.imap return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, (err, uids) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(uids || []) } }) }) } _createMailSummary(message) { const headerPart =[0].body const to = .flatMap(to => addressparser(to)) // The address also contains the name, just keep the email .map(addressObj => addressObj.address) const from = headerPart.from.flatMap(from => addressparser(from)) // Specify default subject, in case none exists. let subject = "No Subject" try { subject = headerPart.subject[0] } catch { // Do nothing } const date =[0] const {uid} = message.attributes return Mail.create(to, from, date, subject, uid) } async fetchOneFullMail(to, uid, raw = false) { if (!this.connection) { // Here we 'fail fast' instead of waiting for the connection. throw new Error('imap connection not ready') } debug(`fetching full message ${uid}`) // For security we also filter TO, so it is harder to just enumerate all messages. const searchCriteria = [['UID', uid], ['TO', to]] const fetchOptions = { bodies: ['HEADER', ''], // Empty string means full body markSeen: false } const messages = await, fetchOptions) if (messages.length === 0) { return false } else if (!raw) { const fullBody = await _.find(messages[0].parts, {which: ''}) return simpleParser(fullBody.body) } else { return messages[0].parts[1].body } } async _getAllUids() { // We ignore mails that are flagged as DELETED, but have not been removed (expunged) yet. const uids = await this._searchWithoutFetch([['!DELETED']]) // Create copy to not mutate the original array. Sort with newest first (DESC). return [...uids].sort().reverse() } async _getMailHeadersAndEmitAsEvents(uids) { try { const mails = await this._getMailHeaders(uids) mails.forEach(mail => { this.loadedUids.add(mail.attributes.uid) // Some broadcast messages have no TO field. We have to ignore those messages. if ([0] { this.emit(ImapService.EVENT_NEW_MAIL, this._createMailSummary(mail)) } }) } catch (error) { debug('can not fetch', error) throw error } } async _getMailHeaders(uids) { const fetchOptions = { envelope: true, bodies: ['HEADER.FIELDS (FROM TO SUBJECT DATE)'], struct: false } const searchCriteria = [['UID', ...uids]] return, fetchOptions) } } // Consumers should use these constants: ImapService.EVENT_NEW_MAIL = 'mail' ImapService.EVENT_DELETED_MAIL = 'mailDeleted' ImapService.EVENT_INITIAL_LOAD_DONE = 'initial load done' ImapService.EVENT_ERROR = 'error' module.exports = ImapService