const config = require('./config') const moment = require('moment') class Helper { /** * Normalize our config into a proper timestamp, so we know what emails to purge * @returns {Date} */ purgeTimeStamp() { return moment() .subtract(, .toDate() } /** * Check if time difference between now and purgeTimeStamp is more than one day * @param {Date} now * @param {Date} past * @returns {Boolean} */ moreThanOneDay(now, past) { const DAY_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; if((now - past) / DAY_IN_MS >= 1){ return true } else { return false } } /** * Convert time to highest possible unit (minutes, hours, days) where `time > 1` and `Number.isSafeInteger(time)` (whole number) * @param {Number} time * @param {String} unit * @returns {String} */ convertAndRound(time, unit) { let convertedTime = time; let convertedUnit = unit; let rounded = false; if (convertedUnit === 'minutes') { if (convertedTime > 60) { convertedTime = convertedTime / 60 convertedUnit = 'hours'; }} if (convertedUnit === 'hours') { if (convertedTime > 24) { convertedTime = convertedTime / 24; convertedUnit = 'days'; } } if (!convertedTime == Number.isSafeInteger(convertedTime)) { convertedTime = Math.round(convertedTime); rounded = true; } if (rounded) { convertedTime = `~${convertedTime}`; } return `${convertedTime} ${convertedUnit}`; } /** * Build a purgeTime html element for the page to keep the clutter outside of the twig template * @returns {String} */ purgeTimeElemetBuilder() { let time = `${} ${}` let Tooltip = '' if ( { time = this.convertAndRound(, if (time !== `${} ${}`) { Tooltip = `Config: ${} ${}` } } const footer = `` return footer } /** * Shuffle an array using the Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm * @param {Array} array * @returns {Array} */ shuffleArray(array) { for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]]; } return array } /** * Shuffle first item of array, keeping original order afterwards * @param {Array} array * @returns {Array} */ shuffleFirstItem(array) { let first = array[Math.floor(Math.random()*array.length)] array = array.filter((value)=>value!=first); array = [first].concat(array) return array } /** * Hide other emails in the list and only show first (true) or show all (false) * @param {Array} array * @returns {Array} */ hideOther(array) { if (config.http.hideOther) { return array[0] } else { return array } } /** * Get a domain list from config for use * @returns {Array} */ getDomains() { switch (config.http.displaySort) { case 0: return this.hideOther( // No modification case 1: return this.hideOther( // Sort alphabetically case 2: return this.hideOther(this.shuffleFirstItem( // Sort alphabetically and shuffle first item case 3: return this.hideOther(this.shuffleArray( // Shuffle all } } } module.exports = Helper