function wordBase64() { const url = "/download/word/?type=base64"; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) // Convert the response to text .then(base64 => { // Convert to binary data const binaryData = atob(base64.replace(/^.*,/, '')); // Create byte array const byteNumbers = new Array(binaryData.length); for (let i = 0; i < binaryData.length; i++) { byteNumbers[i] = binaryData.charCodeAt(i); } // Create blob const blobData = new Blob([new Uint8Array(byteNumbers)], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); // Trigger download const downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blobData); // Get the link element by its ID const link = document.getElementById("download") link.href = downloadUrl; = "Invoice.docm";; URL.revokeObjectURL(downloadUrl) }) .catch(error => { // Handle any errors that may occur during the fetch console.error("Error fetching the document:", error); }); } function wordJpg() { const url = "/download/word/?type=jpg"; fetch(url) .then(response => response.blob()) // Convert the response to text .then(binaryData => { // Create byte array const byteNumbers = new Array(binaryData.length); for (let i = 0; i < binaryData.length; i++) { byteNumbers[i] = binaryData.charCodeAt(i); } // Create blob const blobData = new Blob([new Uint8Array(byteNumbers)], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); // Trigger download const downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // Get the link element by its ID const link = document.getElementById("download") link.href = downloadUrl; = "Invoice.docm";; URL.revokeObjectURL(downloadUrl) }) .catch(error => { // Handle any errors that may occur during the fetch console.error("Error fetching the document:", error); }); } function shBase64() { const url = "/download/sh/?type=base64"; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) // Convert the response to text .then(base64 => { // Convert to binary data const binaryData = atob(base64.replace(/^.*,/, '')); // Create byte array const byteNumbers = new Array(binaryData.length); for (let i = 0; i < binaryData.length; i++) { byteNumbers[i] = binaryData.charCodeAt(i); } // Create blob const blobData = new Blob([new Uint8Array(byteNumbers)], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); // Trigger download const downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blobData); // Get the link element by its ID const link = document.getElementById("download") link.href = downloadUrl; = "";; URL.revokeObjectURL(downloadUrl) }) .catch(error => { // Handle any errors that may occur during the fetch console.error("Error fetching the document:", error); }); }